Thursday, September 29, 2016

Internal Crossing: Epilogue

Internal Crossing: Epilogue

This is an excerpt from the upcoming eBook by Robert3 Carlson 

Note 1: 2017

Altering the past is no simple undertaking. In trying to establish a desired outcome one must weight thousands of events and decision points. The entire concept of quantum possibilities comes into play when such alterations are planned.
Every great accomplishment in history was preceded by the kernel of thought or accident of discovery leading to the full blown development of a new idea or a new manifestation of change. For example the first male soldier to get kicked in the balls was the impetus for the codpiece. That early development probably spread quite rapidly by word of mouth. On the other hand the invention of the aluminum crotch cup predated the adoption of the football helmet by about 100 years. The point here is that a simple decision grows rapidly when the outcome is considered to be positive.
Anybody wanting to time travel to alter the past would be well advised to look for those seminal points in time and the decisions there which can be modified with the least effort. There are influential people here in this time and place who have not yet attained the ability to time travel but who are nonetheless able to assist with the project from the future.
They are about the business of creating key time points where a simple decision can be flipped to create the future desired outcome. These present-day people do not need to concern themselves with who will ultimately employ the fix or to what ends it will be put. Theirs is only to create the points where the flip can be made.
Consider the 2000 Presidential Election in America. Someone made the decision to use a "butterfly ballot" instead of a straight paper one and the resulting confusion resulted in the confirmation of George W. Bush over Al Gore for President. By providing the rationality for using or not using the ballot design a simple point of decision was established which could be flipped later on if necessary. It was only a quantum fluctuation that needed to be employed since both outcomes equally exist in a quantum space-time.
Not all outcomes are equally weighted when it comes to quanta. Having thought about and actually considering an alternative gains more probability than some random possibility like a hurricane pummeling the precinct where voter turnout needs to be lowered. Men can influence the decision of an elections official far more easily than the trajectory of a major tropical storm.
During the 2016 election season, there had been ad naseum reports of whether Hillary Clinton was or was not guilty of a punishable criminal offense, whether or not she was indictable and whether or not she would be indicted. If she remained the fore running DEM candidate, she would most likely be elected. However, should that victory ever be deemed a negative outcome, all that is needed is to retroactively influence the Attorney's General to move forward with an indictment and quash her Presidency before it ever begins. Literally a flip of a coin and its Heads or Tails orientation could shape the future of this country for the next century. This extra-temporal influence can be implemented at any date after the election and most everyone would not be aware that a tweak had ever taken place.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Thoughts on Swirl Theory

When you go looking for something and do not find it there are a few possibilities to consider:

  1. You are looking in the wrong places
  2. You are looking for something that doesn't exist
  3. You are looking at the wrong time
  4. You haven't been looking long enough.
  5. You might have overlooked it and are no longer looking where it is
  6. You might have assumed you knew what it looked like and ignored it when found
  7. What you are looking for might be on the move
There are a few phenomena that by their nature are difficult to grasp and identify. First one is everything you see, hear, smell, taste or touch is the result of an electrical signal from outside your body. The signal is conveyed up and into your brain. There it registers on your consciousness and is felt to be back out where it is first contacted. You do not "feel" the sensation of a pain in your hand or foot but only in your brain. Your brain transfers the sensation back to where you think it originates. The illusion is extremely difficult to ignore.

An example is everything you see with your eyes is about the size of 2 nickels, its curved and upside down. Your brain receives the tiny image data and projects it out into the world and we call it reality. Your eyes have no color receptors for yellow but your see yellow anyway. Red, green and blue are the three receptor types along with grayscale cells.

You can only think about something if you have it in your memory. If a memory is not in the conscious part of your brain you cannot speak about it to tell anyone it is there. If your memory is ever in anyway altered, you have no way to detect the change unless other people contradict your claim of memory.

The Mandela Effect is real, but it is is not fully understood. It might be an illusion. It might be mass hysteria, confirmation bias or some such thing. It might represent an actual alteration of the past by some poorly understood means. Some alleged examples may not be related at all, while other are.

We have no idea how often any part of the past becomes altered since anytime it changes what we see is always the way it was. The concept of a fluid changing past is explored in the article Swirl Theory on the Vulnerable Geometry blog site. Retroactive Event Modification (REM) phenomena is possible and it doesn't require time travelers or intent to make changes. Physicists say such a phenomenon is possible but cannot say that it is a fact mainly because they have never remembered seeing it happen.

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Monday, September 26, 2016

Excerpt From Internal Crossing

Excerpt From Internal Crossing

The conversation had become quite intense. Jack who was the skeptic kept up his barrage of denial and asserted that everyone who thought there was an instance of altered Past events were deceiving themselves. His take on the Mandela Effect was it was a fiction created by people who wanted there to be "something new under the sun." As far as he was concerned the myriad of people reporting alteration of indelible past events all stemmed from a single "first thought" by an obscure author who posited the idea as part of the plot of a movie or a second rate Sci-Fi Novel.

Robert3 countered with, "there are tens of thousands of people who report their experiences. Not all of them have the same faulty memory of the same thing together. Mostly it is only one or two examples per person. They don't fabricate their memories then go looking for what they might be. They notice an anomaly and it strikes them as being so odd they decide to look it up and see if anyone else agrees. When they find agreement they are stunned by the variety of experience other people have."

Jack said, "therein lies the problem. They look it up and find agreement. The agreement reinforces the delusion and they become believers just like every born-again Christian. Suddenly their eyes are opened and now they are awake and know the truth. It feels real and very strong."

Jack was also relating the phenomenon of Gumaraji the boy Perfect Spiritual Master of the 1970s. He was a 13 year old Korean boy who toured the United States building on the longing of young mostly white boys and girls who were looking for answers their parents' churches could not provide. He bestowed Knowledge and Bliss on the worthy supplicants. They became True Believers in the moments of conversion. Suddenly, everything they knew was wrong. It was like the Firesign Theater skit of the same name.

People were easy to mislead as far as Jack was concerned. But so true, too, was the idea that people were easily able to be lead away from the truth as well as toward it. One could be convinced that what they saw was not what really happened. After all nobody can see both the front and the back of another person at the same time.

"People are so easily mislead." He said, "And they will grasp onto the flimsiest of evidence to support their beliefs." His position was such insignificance as the spelling of a product name or the name of a fictional bear family was anything a time traveling operative would bother himself with was preposterous. "Yeah, let's go back in time and change the name of colorful fruity breakfast cereal. That will get their attention and make'em wonder."
Robert3 continued to attempt to make his case for actual modification of the past happening. His position was that while the name changes and movie dialog tweaks were what people noticed, it was what they failed to notice that was important. In 1971 the San Fernando earthquake damaged a dam that held back millions of acre-feet of water. The water level in the reservoir had been significantly lowered prior to the quake. That decision saved the lives of 92,418 people who otherwise died in the failure. Only a few people remember the events as they once happened because the retroactive event modification phenomenon allowed the water level to be lower and the dam only to be damaged and not significantly failed. As the result of the dam failure and a REM impact, people only remember minimal death and injuries were manifest. People remember the concomitant alteration of the Volvo logo plate from that of a circle to that of the symbol for Male.
No single change is ever manifest when a massive event wave passes over and through history. There are always a multitude of alterations taking place, most of which will go unnoticed. The wider is the public exposure of a place, name, event, person, the more likely there will be many people who realize a change has taken place.

Jack rolled his eyes and said nothing. Robert3 watched as Jack gained the 80 lbs of weight he lost over the most recent two years when a retroactive event modification wave passed through the room. "Jack, I thought you were on a weight loss schedule to lose weight."

"Yeah, Bob, I really tried, but after my wife came back to me I abandoned all hope. My motivation was lost. She never really cared how big I was."

"So you're back together now."

"Yeah. I thought you knew that."

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Mandela Effect

Street Coin Mandela
Street Coin Mandela
Mandelas appear in many cultures and even on the ground in our cities and towns. I call them "Street Coins" because that seem to be circular metal plates strewn all about.

Beyond the physical manifestations in the environment, mandalas represent metaphysical phenomenon which fascinate observers throughout the centuries.

Recently the word Mandela has become synonymous with a strange experience people report having with increasing frequency. This context of the word is derived from the name Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa. It seems many people upon hearing of his rise to political prominence recalled that he died in prison several years earlier.

The apparent contradiction leaves those people with a conundrum. They certainly heard wrong, misremember what they hold to be a true memory, or the Past somehow changed! This last option is the one which intrigues them the most. The presence of people who remember the way history used to be are not small in number. To them the question becomes: did something alter mine and many other peoples' memories or did the Past actually change. for them there is only those two possibilities. This is the source of the so called  "Mandela Effect" coined by Fiona Broome.
The Nelson Mandela example is not the only one. There are many alleged altered memories/altered past examples to consider. Berenstain Bears vs Berenstein Bears. Fruit Loops vs Froot Loops. Looney Tunes vs Looney Toons. Many more progressively complicated examples can be found in the Googles.

The the book Internal Crossing, Robert Corbin experiences some of the confusing scenarios and discovers what probably is the cause. His revelations can lead civilization into non-existence.

Also see: or the mirror site:

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Cosmic Consequences

Internal Crossing is a new #eBook which will be available at #Amazon coming in November 2016. It is the latest offering by Robert Carlson who writes on both non-fiction and fiction topics. You can see his Author Page at Amazon by visiting to see the titles and read about them. Please feel free to purchase any book of your choosing. Many are available via Kindle Unlimited.

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Author's Note: The book cover images in the side margins of this blog are my own publications of eBooks available at both Amazon and B&N. Please take a moment and go to the sites and read about them. Then if you like it, buy one or two.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Meeting Ones Self

Some people have seen another person from afar and thought that person looked an awful lot like themselves. The person they see may seem sinister or like they are following. Many people report such doppelgangers but usually the whole incident comes to naught.

But what if you actually met the person who looks like you and you had the opportunity to sit down and talk. during that conversation you discover that this person IS you. Well almost you. Very similar, with the same name, the same family and friends, but not exactly the same.

He or she doesn't claim to be a time traveling visitor. This person knows nothing of how such a meeting might take place. This person is of the here and now, just like yourself. Having this experience once would be enough to mess with the mind of most people, but for Robert Corbin
it was just the beginning.

After the second such encounter he realized these people are versions of himself resulting from some small event in life or a decision not made. Soon he is finding many more of these versions and needs to figure out how and why they are there. On his quest he is transformed as though he becomes a different version of himself after the fact.

Not only does he realize he is the nexus of the phenomenon, but there is also a force altering the Past in unseen ways both large and minute. He seems to be the focal point of those modifications. But why him? And what would be so powerful as to undo years of a Presidency years later and nearly nobody even notices?

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