Thursday, December 8, 2016

Actual Changes to the Past

Actual changes to the past is a far more difficult concept to wrap ones head around than is the idea that alternate pasts already exist and only some of us have a recollection of them. Both concepts require an agent of causation which today is not widely accepted by the scientific community nor the totality of people who assert they are the beneficiaries of selective knowledge.

For some people the explanation for differing memories is that they themselves appeared in this reality from a different timeline. While this is a lofty and romantic notion, precisely how many ME examples did it take to bring them to that conclusion? Is it a preponderance of examples that helped form their conclusion or is it a feeling that it must be so? A lot of people assert they remember the ME namesake, Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s but when pressed for any details such as the date, they are absent an answer.

The opposite condition is also an explanation. In that variation, in is not the observer who made the transitions between realities but the events themselves. To those observers the alternate events and conditions are only represented in their memories but not in any remaining physical artifacts.

This brings us to the variation where a single coherent past is actually modified by some (as yet) unspecified agent of causation. The LHC at CERN is one alleged cause. A superior alien civilization is another. Our future selves as time travelers are also suspect. Even ancient earthly civilizations residing inside a hollow earth are hypothesized as the instigators. Lastly, mere quantum perturbation might result in a spontaneous modification of what was originally manifest and some people escaped knowing about the change.

"My biggest smack in the side of the head was digging out my old copy of Springsteen's Born in the USA to see that it indeed is now a red visor cap in his pocket not his signature red bandanna."
Realizing that all matter is really energy waves until an observer observes them makes the next explanation plausible. Every two (or more) waves which interact with each other encode their own natures in each other. Waves move in the three ordinal directions (x,y,z) and one of time (present into the future). Waves also move in the negative ordinal directions. There is nothing to stop them from moving in a negative time direction also.

How far back they have an impact has never been fully explored, although physicists know waves do this. They also know future events help determine the causative events which made the future what it is (will be.)  ME experiences may be a manifestation of backward traveling Event Waves which mix with the "immutable past" and alter it in small, medium and large ways. We only see the changes to things which we have recent memories of with to compare. for example we can discuss the apparent changes of a word in the Bible because we have a Bible to go look it up in. But in a Retroactive Event Modification wave removed an entire chapter from the bible, we could only speculate on its name and what it said. We might go looking at the list of "Lost Books" of the Bible that were proposed but never approved as possible candidates.

So now at this point in time each person must choose his/her own explanation for what they believe.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Mass Brainwashing

Mass Brainwashing

People who clearly recall some little detail in popular culture differently than can be seen by looking at "evidence" have come up with a spectrum of causes ranging from "I just always thought..." to we are all living in a simulation controlled by superior beings, are being manipulated in everything we see, hear and do while the Mandela Effect are glitches in the matrix we are not supposed to notice but do. To some people the superior ones are the Illuminati while for others it is lizard people from Saturn or Nibiru. Another popular explanation is time travelers who are having a go at us with silly bugger changes.

The alterations of popular culture is the possible way to make anyone aware of the changes being made. In a nutshell, most ordinary people are not known by a sufficient number of other outspoken people for it to ever be known they used to have 6 fingers on each hand but somehow now it's only five. Without photographs there would only be a few people who ever knew.

On the other hand, Bart Simpson is far more real in popular culture than most actual human beings. Millions of people have seen him and know of his antics. They know how many fingers he has on each hand. Five, right? Oh, no, now it is only four. And its every character from the very first show.  His signature saying, "don't have cows, dude," would be remembered by most of them. At least the ones who watched from the early days before he stopped saying it."

The idea that a powerful alien civilization has made this simulated world just for us is more than a little bit Christian in its formation. Very Biblical. Genesis to be exact. Even the one god of genesis say WE when they refer to themselves and the making of the world in six days.

Another suggestion is we were all "natural" flesh and blood creatures until the end of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012 when its end signified that something catastrophic "might have happened" and we all were resurrected in this simulated world. ME and déjà vu are glitches in the software. What was so special about humanity that it warranted being recreated in a cyber world that is exactly as flawed as the old one was? The architects of this simulation decided that all 7 billion people needed to be preserved even though they will appear to suffer and die of environmental and manufactured causes. Or are all those "others" just non-conscious props for the benefit of we who are sentient and conscious as in "Breakfast of Champions?" That is a dangerous supposition that will allow us to minimalize the plight of those others.

This brings us to the concept of us all being brainwashed into thinking we are more than we are and need all the stuf (or stuff) that is being sold. Exactly to what end are we being enslaved by the brainwashing? Automation is making human labor obsolete. Soon there will be few if any people working. Everyone will be given their "daily bread" by the masters just for standing around being submissive. Again very Biblical.

The whole idea of a massive slave population is a bad one at best. Consider 7 billion people all wanting the attention of the Master, dependent for everything. This is why parents expect their children will eventually grow up and move away and many times kick them out after 18 to 20 years and told to get a job.

Next up: Actual Changes of the Past

Three Phases of ME

Thousands of people have the sense that something in their past has changed and only a few other people have any sense of it happening. The phenomenon has been labeled "Mandela Effect" by Fiona Broome.  To them the question becomes: did something alter mine and many other peoples' memories or did the Past actually change. For them there is only those two possibilities.

A third explanation emerges which is equally able to describe and explain the experiences people have with respect to the Effect. Briefly the Mandela Effect is a memory fluke which is derived from the reports that when Nelson died on December 5, 2013, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, South Africa (Wikipedia) people surfaced who said they thought he had died in prison many years earlier. To them Mr. Mandela never was the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 and the man who presided over the dismantling of the Apartheid government. While they "clearly remember" him dying in prison, they have no idea who was the President during the years 1994-1999 in South Africa. Basically, they were not paying close enough attention to African politics at the time.

This third explanations requires a large communication portal wherein large numbers of people can read what others say and post their own responses to either agree with or disagree with what is said. The Internets create this great filter through which the information flows. Many hundreds if not thousands of participants add their part to the collective recollections. Without the ability to communicate with large numbers of people who appear to have the same recollection there could be no body of knowledge we now call the Mandela Effect. Each person would casually dismiss their own recall as being faulty with no corroboration from others to validate the error of that memory.

Now that the phenomenon has a name, multiple Youtube channels and a presence on Facebook and Twitter, many more people are able to validate their faulty memories.  The erroneous memories seem to only manifest in pairs. It was THIS way or it was THAT way as in Berenstain and Berenstein Bears, or Fruit Loops vs Froot Loops. In this manner the cause in not likely a merging of quantum realities since many other permutations of the alternate spellings of word choices would have equally probable presence. We should see many different appearances.

Should some time traveling adventurer return to our past and make changes, he or she would be wasting massive amounts of high-energy resources to Punk us here in the early 21st century. Adding a dividing line in the VW logo, a curly F in the Ford logo or the "male arrow" to the other circular Volvo logo, would be playing silly buggers with us here for no apparent reason.

The ability to aggregate opinion via a massive telecomm system facilitates the Mandela Effect. Cartographers have from time to time emphasized and deemphasized the presentation of the spherical planet onto a flat piece of paper. Until an accurate time piece was made which remained accurate during turbulent sea voyages, longitude was a "best guess" by the navigators who were on the exploratory trips around the globe. As their skill improved as well as the accuracy of their clocks, so were their maps.

Ship's Captains commissioned by Kings were not adverse to stretch the extents of their travels with deceptive maps. After all there was no one to challenge their veracity. Recall that Christopher Columbus was not looking for two new continents but a westward route to the India and China. Imagine Queen Isabelle and King Ferdinand saying," But I always thought the world was flat and resting of the back or a turtle. Something must have changed."

So now is it that the person feeling the Mandela Effect is merely being wrong or did someone tamper with his brain?  Next up: Mass brainwashing.