Wednesday, August 16, 2017

11:11 and Other Fictions of Numerology

How many times have you looked at the clock and it is exactly 11:11 either in the morning or in the evening? How about you wake up at exactly 3:00 AM or 4:00 AM and find it weird the time is so accurate? Many people claim to have such phenomenon happen to them and feel there is someone or something pulling the strings behind the scenes.

It happens to me all the time but I don't think we live in a simulation where I am programmed to see those times of day on a regular basis. I set up an experiment to demonstrate whether there is anything to this numerology.

I have 5 digital clocks. All of them are set to be a few minutes different. They are not set to the official time of day of, except one. That one is set as close to precise official time as is possible. Then when I look at the time and see 11:11 or exactly 3 or 4 o'clock, I know it is not because someone programmed me to look at the time at that exact moment.

The failure to look at and see the specified times is nearly 100%. Also I realized that when I do see 11:11 that there are millions of people who are in time zones 1:11, 2:22, 3:11 and so forth. Actually it is twice around the clock face. In European regions that use a 24 hour clock face 23:11 should also turn up repeatedly if the supposition of manipulation is true. Maybe they see 12:34 a lot, 23:23? That I have not tested.

Apparent patterns do not mean there is a pattern present at all. Pareidolia is a function of human perception to see in images and sounds the patterns of faces and familiar but non-existent sounds. It is theorized that evolutionarily it was better to think one saw a lion hiding in the bushes when one was not there than vice versa.

We can also reverse engineer any causes to an observed result if we look hard enough. This same concept is applicable to alleged ME examples. Most of the examples stated are merely a random phrase, name, or logo with someone asking "Which do you remember?" It is like numerology but with names and logos.

Consider the position of South America. Nobody, nobody who claims they remember the continent being 1,000 further West has ever seen anything but someone's map rendering of the position of the continents. Yeah, there is a PsyOp going on, but it is self-induced. The procedure is to make up and introduce an alternative presentation of something and people will begin to buy into it. Once there is enough buy-in the alternative takes on a life of its own. Here's one for ya, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. Who remembers his middle name was Strange not Sturdivant?